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Fulfilment, satisfaction, and happiness are reasons because we want to become entrepreneurs, spouses, parents, recognized, or whatever.

President Thomas S. Monson shared a formula to success in our live. The 3 steps that he shares are:
  1. Fill our mind with truth
  2. Fill our live with service
  3. And, fill our heart with love

I have proved that 3 steps work to have a happy life. Sometimes, entrepreneurs and people in general search for happiness in sensual pleasures (good food, drink, and sex), but at the end, they discover that these pleasures don’t fulfill them enough, and don’t give them the happiness than they are looking for.

President Monson suggest “that when we search for truth, we search among those books and in those places where truth is most likely to be found.” The knowledge from good books help us to avoid bias in our path to the happiness.

Service, it is one of the best ways to enrich our life of happiness. Implicit factors in service are to be grateful with what God have gave us, and show this gratitude through volunteer causes, and charity.
My recommendation to fill our heart with love is losing yourself in a relationship.

Finally, I want to say that money is a necessary part of our life, even if we are young, jubilated, or members of a non-governmental institution. But, money doesn’t buy happiness.

When, we are talking about monetary topics, the more important is education. Education gives people more opportunities to approach job and entrepreneur’s activities, and gives a better management of money.
