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Entrepreneurship Is Not About Money

Sometimes people start their career in entrepreneurship because they want a financial success. This is a mistake, when you start an entrepreneurship to get money, you can fail in your purpose, but when you start an entrepreneurship because you really love what you are doing, you will feel satisfaction, and additionally, you have a probability of receive an economic reward.

As I have tried to show in my previous posts. Entrepreneur is a lifestyle. So, I will give this week some counsels about how to become an entrepreneur based in the book of Stephen R. Covey, The 7 habits of highly effective people.

The first habit that we must to develop is productivity, this mean that we are upon the control of our reactions to any conflict or challenge. Some attributes associate with this habit are self-awareness, imagination, conscience, and independent will.

The second habit is beginning with an end in mind, and it is related with the third habit, but first things first. This third habit invite us to classify what things are important, urgent, or neither, and work the most of time in important things.

The fourth habit is think win/win that invite us to focus in results instead of methods. The fifth habit, seek first to understand, then to be understood imply the necessity of become a good listener, and learn of other.

The sixth habit talk about synergize, Covey explain how the principle that 1+1 is more than 2 help us to reach our goals.

And finally, the seventh habit is sharpening the saw. This is important because sometimes we think that work, work, and work is the solution to increase our productivity, but an eternal truth is that we reach better results when we apart a time to prepare us.
