This has been a week of continues learning, and I want to share the most valuables learnings of this week.
I learned a formula for success and happiness proposed by Jim Ritchie, and this formula he learned from his mission president.
I want to share with you every point of his formula, and add my commentaries.
1. Get up early
It is funny that he mentioned this as the first point of the formula, but I had noted the difference between a day when I get earlier or not, and when I get early is because I have a propose for the day, and a plan to learn and success.
2. Work hard
Ezra Taft Benson said: “Work, work, work, there is no satisfactory substitute”. We cannot sit down and wait until success come to us. Work in a fundamental factor in the achievement of our goals.
3. Get your education
This is an elemental step to success. Sometimes argue that there are some examples of successful guys who never got his Bachelor Degree, but education is more than a Degree, education is a conscious analysis of the environment, and use this information count.
4. Find oil
5. Make your mark
I want to add in this point that the best way to make our own mark is through integrity. Everybody trust in an integrity business man, and this a reason because for them is easier to success.
6. Prepare to serve
The pathway to happiness is service. As Mother Teresa said: “Whoever does not live to serve, does not ‘serve’ to live”.
I learned a formula for success and happiness proposed by Jim Ritchie, and this formula he learned from his mission president.
I want to share with you every point of his formula, and add my commentaries.
1. Get up early
It is funny that he mentioned this as the first point of the formula, but I had noted the difference between a day when I get earlier or not, and when I get early is because I have a propose for the day, and a plan to learn and success.
2. Work hard
Ezra Taft Benson said: “Work, work, work, there is no satisfactory substitute”. We cannot sit down and wait until success come to us. Work in a fundamental factor in the achievement of our goals.
3. Get your education
This is an elemental step to success. Sometimes argue that there are some examples of successful guys who never got his Bachelor Degree, but education is more than a Degree, education is a conscious analysis of the environment, and use this information count.
4. Find oil
5. Make your mark
I want to add in this point that the best way to make our own mark is through integrity. Everybody trust in an integrity business man, and this a reason because for them is easier to success.
6. Prepare to serve
The pathway to happiness is service. As Mother Teresa said: “Whoever does not live to serve, does not ‘serve’ to live”.
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